位置:Telev?nget 32-36, 2770哥本哈根,丹麦
面积:2.575 m2
年份:2013 - 2016
相助同伴:Holmsgaard Ingeni?r
项目进展:在建2015 - 2016
建筑节能品级:Low energy class 2015
除了对公寓的全面翻新以外,项目同时也对地下室和顶层进行革新: 地下室空间革新为公共区域,划分为用餐及厨房;屋顶上带有阁楼式公寓和休闲运动区域等。
此项目案例由凯时AG登录入口相助公司丹麦ZESO建筑事务所(ZESO ARCHITECTS)提供
ZESO ARCHITECTS创立于2008年,公司总部位于丹麦哥本哈根。公司合资人均拥有20年以上的建筑设计领域事情经验,经过多年生长,公司在都会设计、住宅区计划及建筑设计、空港建筑设计、养老教育建筑设计及可连续设计等诸多领域取得了优异的业绩。如承接了哥本哈根机场的新航站楼设计,哥本哈根Arena新型节能住宅小区计划及其建筑设计,等等。
Zeso Architects is founded in Copenhagen, Denmark at 2008, and owned by partners all with more than 20 years of experience. After rapid developments, Zeso has gained success and reputations in different specialties within the design fields, such as urban design, residential, airport, elderly care and education.
With the HIGH 5 design principle, ZESO is focus on functionality, aesthetics, economy, constructability and especially sustainability within the building. Through numbers of practices and innovations in different types of projects and scales, ZESO is now one of the leading offices in Denmark.
ZESO is interested and experienced in cities’ development in China, and currently having an office in Chengdu and other Chinese collaboration partners. Projects includes urban design, elderly care housings, and renovation, etc.